Amidst a nationwide inventory shortage, escalating interest rates causing buyers to hesitate, and real estate agents intensifying their prospecting endeavors, a longstanding and persistent housing crisis has been quietly looming for at least the past 50 years. This crisis revolves around the dire need for affordable housing, an issue that has only worsened with time.
Real estate professionals in the affordable housing sector, including myself, have been tirelessly striving to expand inventory, enhance financing options, and unearth opportunities for low- to moderate-income clients. Astonishingly, more than 75 percent of homes on the market are beyond the financial reach of middle-class buyers.
The last instance that I can find when housing costs were deemed optimally affordable dates back to the 1960s. Since then, housing expenses have experienced a tumultuous ascent, particularly for working individuals and families across the United States, including my local market in Nevada.
Presently, the shortage of affordable units in Nevada stands somewhere around 84,000-plus. That leaves approximately 100 families anxiously waiting for every two units developed or acquired.